White Papers Writing Services
Does your company have a white paper that helps show off its expertise?
If you sell complex products or services, a white paper is a great way to raise your profile, present your company as a thought leader, and close more sales. This long document (typically, 4,000 to 6,000 words) will demonstrate your company’s industry knowledge on a topic that is attractive to your target market.
It is not, however, a typical sales piece. In fact, a white paper shouldn’t include much promotional material at all. Instead, it gently influences sales through education and explanation and by helping your readers achieve a result or solve a problem.
Using a White Paper Professional
Let me help you write a white paper that:
Establishes your company’s industry knowledge and thought leadership;
Increases brand awareness;
Generates leads;
Softly sells by leading readers to a specific recommendation.
My White Paper Writing Services:
I can:
Help you choose topics that will be attractive to your target market;
Provide a white paper plan that ensures a more successful deliverable;
Conduct research and interview experts at your company;
Write a white paper in your tone of voice.
Why Partner with Me:
I researched, conducted interviews, and wrote a 20-page white paper for Bellevue Hospital Center that helped defend it against allegations about the hospital's treatment of its prisoner patients.
The result?
The paper helped Bellevue Hospital Center secure accreditation through the Joint Commission and was used as the hospital’s response to press inquiries.
Are you ready to discuss your White Paper or other copywriting project?
Contact me for a brief consult.