Blog Writing Services
Are you finding it hard to keep writing your blog posts?
Many people are enthusiastic about starting a blog, but expect to see results rather quickly. When they don’t see an increase in visitors or clicks, they get discouraged and even less inclined to spend the time and energy required to write the next blog post.
Less blog posts, unfortunately, means less chance of benefitting from the fruits of your blog.
It doesn’t have to be that way! In the hands of a professional, your blog can indeed show impressive results.
Using a Blog Writing Services Professional
Let me help turn your blog into a sharp marketing tool that:
Keeps your company’s name top of mind of your intended audience;
Showcases your company’s expertise;
Uses blog titles that will get the best SEO;
Responds to the “pain points” of your intended audience and readers;
Complements your other marketing tools.
My Blog Writing Services:
I can:
Audit your current blog to find what you do well and what can be improved;
Identify and use the “pain points” of your intended audience to drive content creation;
Create a 12-month content calendar for your blog;
Use SEO best practices and write titles and tags that will attract your market;
Write and edit blog articles;
Structure your posts to satisfy both readers and scanners;
Set up a painless blog post production system.
Why Partner with Me:
Because I love writing (and reading) well-written blogs!
A good blog post gives its readers useful information:
In a readable format that addresses topics relevant to the reader;
Gives a glimpse of you and/or your company’s impressive industry knowledge;
By publishing regularly, you show that you are dependable (and that you do what you say you are going to do).
Are you ready to discuss your blog or other copywriting project?
Contact me for a brief consult.