Team Bios Writing Services

Are your team bios putting your company’s best face forward?


Do your team biographies sound -- well -- like your company functions as a team? Do they convey the passions driving your people to do their absolute best every day -- or are they just a collection of accomplishments? 

Writing high quality team bios will, of course, establish your company’s credibility. But they can also be a potent sales tool. 

Using a Team Bios Writing Services Professional:

I can help you create team bios that: 

  • Demonstrate consistency - Team bios that all provide the same type of information make the team look like they work well together. 

  • Help establish trust - Trust is essential, today, particularly in the field of healthcare. Most people find it easier to trust a company that appears to be a collection of caring, devoted employees. 

  • Humanize your company - Adding the personalities and passions behind impressive accomplishments can help your company seem more human. And, being cared for by a person rather than a company can be therapeutic in itself.  

My Team Bios Writing Services:

  • Team bios setup

  • Interviews with team members

  • Team bios writing

  • Team bios editing

Why Partner with Me:

I love helping people connect to their audience by adding the passions behind their accomplishments.  

A number of years ago, I was tasked with rewriting a recruitment booklet for college seniors who majored in risk management. The booklet had all the typical info about the company’s financial prowess and status in the industry. But it lacked any inkling of what it would actually be like working there. 

So I added a section called “Putting Your Insurance Degree to Work,” which profiled six various level employees who started at the company with a risk management degree. I reformatted their team bios to include their day-to-day responsibilities, the accounts they’ve worked on, and how their career had progressed at the company. I then added a personal quote on why they liked working for the company.

The booklet helped with recruiting efforts and was so successful that the format was adapted by the corporate office.  

Are you ready to discuss your team bios or other copywriting project?

Contact me for a brief consult.